2013年9月4日 星期三

大亨小傳 The Great Gatsby Gatsby For Nes 博客來書籍館

大亨小傳 The Great Gatsby Gatsby For Nes 博客來書籍館

定價:300元 特價:199元;內容簡介:內容簡介 海明威讚譽有加;名詩人兼文評家T. S. 艾略特稱之為「美國小說自亨利詹姆斯以來邁出的第一步」。村上春Nicks next-door neighbor in West Egg is a mysteriousman named Jay Gatsby , who lives in a gigantic Gothic mansion andthrows extr***agant parties every Sa***ay night.This version tries to stay very true to the roots of the story. Its greatest detriment is its l***ish budget, made evident from scenery and costuming. Coppola does an ad... 閱讀全文

